Vision, Mission & Values

The Vision, Mission & Values remain constant throughout IIPM and its constituent entities – IIPM School of Management and IIPM School of Engineering & Technology.

Service to the Nation by catering to the Industry

To contribute to the industry by advancingvalue-basedtechno-management education, training, consulting and research.


  • Respect and Dignity We believe in admiring the contributions of individuals to the organisation and endorsing their right to exercise their autonomy, preserve their privacy and prove their self-worth.

  • Fairnessand Honesty We believe inthe spirit of fair play in all our endeavours and supportimpartial and just treatment that extends even to the opponents.

  • Commitmentand Devotion We believe in cultivating an environment built on trust and allegiance, being true to our mission, faithful to our stakeholders and bound to the community.

  • Tolerance and Patience We believe in keeping calm and collected under trying conditions by accepting all contradictions and incongruities.

  • Discipline and Integrity We believe in fostering a culture built on self-regulation and propriety under all circumstances, however strong be the provocation otherwise.

  • Decentralisation and Accountability We believe inparticipatory governance thatdemarcates responsibilitiesand ensures that the persons accountable must have the authority to deliver results.

  • Social and Ethical Responsibility We believe in fighting against discrimination and empowering those who are deprivedof opportunities for development.

  • Service and Support We believe in employing all available resources at our disposal for creating value for individuals and organisationsand seeing them as beneficiaries and not customers.

  • Creativity and Innovation We believe in looking at things from a different perspective and transforming the difference into unique tangible outcomes.

  • Excellence and Enjoyment We believe in being excellent ateverything we do and when we enjoy the things we do we will certainly excel in them.